
1. Did the story develop how you thought?

The story didn’t develop how i think it would, i was expecting more detail about the father or the mother to talk to jonathon about his father but the way it turned out was different from what i was expecting

2. where do you think the inspiration for this came from?

i think the inspiration for Eight came from the hillsbrough incident where 96 people lost their lives

3. how would the film change if being told from the woman’s point of view?

the film would change by hearing the womans story, what she feels about her son’s passion and how the hillsbrough incident has affected her life

Character profile:

Name: agent Dulmer/ Dulmur

Gender: male

Age: mid-thirties/ early forties

Marital status: married- separated

Character role: hero

Appearance: wears black suit, black ti and black shirt, has short brown hair and green eyes and a young man’s face compared to his eyes

Education: attended the University of Alpha Centari, graduated with honours in temporal mechanics and trained in investigations and police work.

Beliefs: he believes that time is unpredictable and things are never as they seem and doesn’t believe in anything higher than time

Background: he was a private investigator on a human colony on the fringes of colonised space, his whole colony was trapped in a short time loop that caused him to get fired from his job and hunt down the man that caused the time loop. From there on he joined the DTI to make sure that it never happened again.

Interests: he likes to work on old timepieces, play chess and he can play the piano.

Temperament: he likes to keep a cool head and stay in control of the situation and he is more of the voice of compassion than his partner who is sterner than him and is cold and logical.

5 turning points scene summary:

beginning point: Luccsy and Dulmere standing on the bridge of the U.S.S. Everrett as a temporal ripple forms in front of them

Turning point: The ships helmsman moves the ship back at full impulse a creaking sound from the bulkheads can be heard throughout the ship.

Low point: on the speakers, sounds from a battle fought almost half a year ago can be heard the voices of the people on those ships can be heard as the killed by an unstopable enemy, Dulmer and Luccsly can be seen talking to each other but we cant hear what they’re saying

Mid point: On the view screen a ships can been coming through the ripple badly damaged, but it’s not in any real danger for the moment the captian moves the ship in closer to conduct scan and to see if anyone is alive on the ship

End point: A distress call is coming from the disabled ship, Dulmer and Luccsly look at each other and they ask the captain to contact the ship

Sherlock script pages 59-71:

59. Whilst Sherlock is drugged, the cabbie has taken Sherlock home.

60. The house is empty apart from Sherlock and the cabbie. The cabbie produces two pills.

61. Taxi driver believes himself to be a geniues. He explains his ‘game’ to Sherlock.

62. Taxi driver thinks his game is ingenius. Sherlock sees it as a fluke, based on chance.

63. Taxi driver tells how he chooses his victims. Sherlock identifies other motives behind his killings.

64. Sherlock challenges the taxi driver. He’s nervous, but Sherlock knows he won’t actually kill him.

65. Sherlock  makes a choice. The Taxi driver knows he’s not bored.

66. Taxi driver is shot, presumably from a house opposite the street.

67. Sherlock realizes who made the shot, but keeps quiet about it.

68. John reveals what he did. He appears to be fine with what he just did.

69. Sherlock and John are leaving here. John puts Lestrade in his place.

70. Mrs Hudson is home at last-she has nothing to worry about except her carpet.

71. Lestrade ignores his notes admitting he will need help from the other two. They’re an established duo.

Sherlock script pages 49-58

page 49- Sherlock and John walk to northumberland terrace Sherlock and John discuss why the person is murdering these people.

page 50- They arrive at Agelo’s to keep on a certain house, Sherlock and John are sitting at a window seat whilst john looks outside, Sherlock is looking at a mirror at the back of the restaraunt.

page 51- we are introduced to Angelo a small but signifigant side character in the plot, he seems to know Sherlock from a prievous case.

page 52-

sherlock script “A study in pink” pages 36-49

page 36- Sherlock is getting excited about all the details of the crime scene, he asks Lastrade if he could wait a little long to telll the press the details of the crime.

page 37- He goes into more detail about the women in pink and he notices a mistake he’s made, Lastrade is confused about what sherlock is going on about. John is confused about what is going on, as Sherlock leaves the crimescene, Anderson and Lastrade are arguing about Sherlock’s participation in the case.

page38- As Sherlock has left the crime scene John is lost within all hastle he heads over to Lastrade and he doesn’t even know who he is and what he’s doing at the crime scene he’s immeditly asked to leave and is escorted out by seargent Donovan who is sort of worried about him and john is more lost than he’s ever been.

page 39- John asks Seargent Donovan where he can get a taxi out in this area and she tells John, what she thinks of Sherlock and how he will meet his end as a private detective.

Page 40- Seargent Donovan is called away by Lastrade and john leaves to go to the main road, the scene changes to Sherlock standing on rooftops perfectly calm with a PDA in one hand and is looks one way and another as he scans the area, john stares at him from below thinking “what the hell is he doing??”

sherlock script pages 30-36


  • page 30- We find sherlock with John and Lastrade at the crime scene proving his point.
  • page 31- Sherlock and john talk to each other quiet enough so Lastrade can’t hear them and they start to discuss the crime scene
  • page 32- Sherlock, john and Lastrade start discussing the crime scene and sherlock investigates the dead bod.
  • page 33- Sherlock tells Lastrade his findings on the dead body and goes into detail about the stuff the police missed out
  • page 34- Sherlock goes into more detail about the body and how it ends up in the house.
  • page 35- John is impressed by Sherlock’s power of deduction, sherlock continues to “show” off
  • page 36- Sherlock stop’s talking and leaves the crime scene and John follows behind

Sci-fi movie idea



Captain Carric Loreweaver 

First officer Samantha Anders

the year is 2709: it is a year of peace within joined species alliance

a routine

a lone starship must protect a small colony world from the dominating Earth Empire that destroy all in their path, help is over 1500 light years away they are the only hope for this small world and they must and will defend it until their dying breaths  or their way of life as they know will end.