primary research


Primary research:

Primary is research that has been collected through interviews, surveys and direct observation, this research is owned by the researcher. They are usually designed to answer specific questions.

“Primary research is new research carried out to answer specific issues and questions, it can involve questionnaires, surveys or interviews with individual or small groups”

Quote source:

Examples of use: the last I used primary research was in during my media course and I had to ask people certain questions



secondary research

Secondary research:

Is used to find information by using outside sources such as: companies, schools, websites and newspapers all of which information can be freely given or bought if the information is sensitive enough this is known as “desk research”.

“The benefits of the use secondary sources include, save time and money, may provide information and access to historical data, may be used to prove or disprove an argument or theory”- quote source:

I have used secondary research in my media course where I had to find certain pieces data within a piece of text that had all the information within the text