different types of writing

Genre theory assignment task 3:


The differences between writing a script, a review and a blog entry:


The differences between writing a script, a review and blog entry is that they three completely different things, writing a script is writing from the point of view of a character or telling the story of that character, the presentation of a script is formatted differently from both a review and a blog, a script is written for the screen not the internet or magazines. Example: one of the last scripts I wrote was for my genre scene, creating the characters and a story for me was quite easy, but my main weaknesses for this was that writing down the characters, introducing them and introducing the story, is what I found difficult with writing scripts.


 Writing a review is being critical or giving the critics opinion and the title of the review usually tells the reader how and what he thought the film, the reviewer usually includes some of the most important information for the readers, these are usually written before the film’s or products release, example: the last review I wrote was for the Sherlock, I found thinking of what to write to be easy, but actually putting them into words to actually quite difficult.


Web blogs- these usually written with one specific topic in mind but can also focus on lots of different subjects, these are usually written for the public and focuses on not just one group of people, usually web blog to either stir up debate within groups of people or to provide a way to interact with each other. But the layout of a web-blog is different from a review and a script, it is written for the internet and is laid out completely different, example: the last blog post I wrote was for broadcast and non-broadcast my strengths and weaknesses with this, was that trying to get down enough information, not too much but alos not too little at the same time was my biggest weakness.



12 points

Joseph Campbell’s 12 Film Plot Points (The Hero’s Journey)


According to Joseph Campbell, these are the 12 film plot points. These can be applied to almost any film. Apply these to your experience on the Level 2 Creative Media Production Course so far. What challenges have you faced? What will your final goal or reward be?

  1. The ordinary world: our hero is introduced, their world established.

I was sitting in my favourite arm chair when a letter came through the letter box with the MidKent College logo, I was a little nervous to open it, but I sat there for almost half an hour with it just sitting there kind of scaring me,

  1. The call to adventure: something which interferes with the ordinary world.

I arrived on the day at Medway campus expecting the day to be not long but filled with lots of introductions and meeting new people.


  1. Refusal of the call: the hero or another character expresses fear of the unknown.

I was nervous to talk to anyone as I didn’t know them

  1. Meeting with the mentor: the hero establishes a bond with a character who will offer support and/or guidance.

I met some classmates and made some new friends hopefully to

  1. Crossing the threshold: end of Act1, the hero enters a new, unfamiliar world.

End of

  1. Tests, allies and enemies: the hero faces tests and sorts out allegiances in the new world.
  2. Approach to the inmost cave: the hero and any allies prepare for a major challenge in the special world.
  3. The ordeal: near the mid-point, the hero may face their greatest fear or confront death or peril.
  4. The reward: the hero takes possession of a treasure, may be a celebration, but also chance of losing the treasure.
  5. The road back: the hero leaves the special world, driven to complete the adventure.
  6. The resurrection: one last major test before the return home.
  7. Return with the elixir: the hero returns with some element of the treasure which has the power to transform the original, ordinary world.


  1. Why might teens (young adults) feel they can relate to coming of age films?


Teens feel that they can relate to these types films as it’s something they can relate to, as the characters are around the same age as the target audience and they can relate to the stories of the character and the situations.

An example of a coming age film would be The Breakfast Club


  1. Why are these films released in the summer?


They are released in the summer because it’s usually the time that schools have broken up for summer break and they are more likely to see them friends over the summer break.




The originality of the story and characters may entice people to   watch the film Their maybe Changes to the in-movie story and universe
The creators may work with the director and co-write the film as well Fans dedicated to that certain series or series of books may feel let   down by the director
May bring new fans to series The changing of certain characters or actors at certain points of the   film


anti-hero questions

Anti-hero questions

  1. Who is the hero in this clip? Superman
  2. How do we know? He was trying to save people from dying
  3. What heroic action does he take? Stop a plane from crashing
  4. Does anything negative happen, as a result of his actions? What?  Give examples? As Superman landed the plane the people inside jerked forward and they were injured as a result
  5. Anything else? People were happy with superman in the end

Anti-hero questions-2

  1. Who is the hero in this clip? Dirty Harry
  2. How do we know?  He stopped criminals
  3. What heroic action does he take? Shooting the criminals
  4. Does anything negative happen, as a result of his actions? What?  Give examples? He killed two of the criminals and wounding one of them
  5. Anything else? No

drama sub-genres

  • Historical drama- a dramatic film set in the past- example: Saving private Ryan
  • Romantic drama- a dramatic take on romantic sernarios- example: About a boy
  • Comedy drama- a dramatic film that comedic elements in the mix-
  • Biographical drama- a dramatic film that tells the story of someones life- example: Lincon
  • Teen drama- a drama that is set around teens and the lifes


what do these sub genres have in common?

Reliant on deep, emotional and realistic characters- the main characters all have back stories and that have their own problems

therefore character will develop emotionally- the charactrs seem to disagree with each other and argue their points

dramatic themes play intense part an intense part of the plot- their arguments often get heated and get over the top most way through the plot of the film

often depict real, honest human struggles- the characters all seem to come from different walks of life and have different opinons

thems often takem from real issues

an overall message throughout



comedy and tragedy masks:

they are the masks that represents the emotions that people feel

the mask on the left : tragedy represents the saddness in the play

the mask on the right: comedy represents the joy in the play

amphitheatre is theatre that is in shape a semi-circle and the audience seating in a sloping angle for better acoustics.

slapstick comedy is enegetic involving non destructive violence towards each other

what do you think?

Hero: a hero is necessary for the development of action film or there is no reason for the villain to exsist and stop him, and save the day and the girl e.g Batman

sidekick: a sidekick is usally not needed but is appreciated when the hero is incapcitated and cannot fight on his own to take down the villian e.g Robin

Villian: the villian usally has some sort of personal vendetta against the hero for what the hero did to them in the past or they exist to either hurt the heros family or they are reason for why the hero exists. e.g the Joker

Henchmen: the henchmen usally serve as the body guards to the villian, but there are intellegent hench that usually have their own agenda and sometimes act as a hero

my 3 favourite films i have seen

  1. Pacific Rim- genre- Action, adventure, sci-fi and fantasy- this film combined some of the best cgi and 3d technology i have seen  on screen and the story brought to together some of the best actors as well.
  2. pokemon 3- the spell of the unknown-genre- action, adventure, sci-fi and fantasy- this film was first DVD i bought so this one will rate highly on my list and i loved the story and the characters.
  3. Final fantasy VII Advent children- genre-sci-fi, fantasy and animation- this film made me fall in love with the anime genre it was a better final fantasy film than the spirits within and it introduced me to the final fantasy series.