sci-fi genre question

What are the differences between the two main types of sci-fi film?

the two different main types of sci-fi include: Earth bound sci-fi e.g. Blade runner and Transcendence, and futuristic sci-fi: e.g. Star trek and 2001: A space odyssey

the differences between the two main types of sci-fi are that they feature different settings, different types of characters, they feature two completely different types of storylines and they pace themselves very differently from each other.

an example of this would be that Blade Runner has a much slower plot than say Star Trek as the story of Blade Runner wants us to gather up all the facts before we have a conclusion to the story, but in Star Trek we are given most of the character back story and information within first half of the movie and the rest just feels like filler till the end.

The “What if?” in Blade Runner is What if we create to robots that can think and feel like humans? Where as the “What if?” in Star Trek is What if we journey out into space and we found alien’s that could either be our allies or our enemies and the whole galaxy of people




Documentary question


I don’t think it is possible to document reality as most people or animals if put in front of a camera will always act differently from  how they normally act as they know that they are being watched by a crew of people.

3 conventions of factual media:

  • archived footage-exisiting footage that has been borrowed
  • interviews (with witnesses)
  • voice over

archived can be used to recreate reality, the archived footage can give as sense of the past showing us what it was like.

Interviews with witnesses can tell us a side of the story that may be no one else knew at the time and they can tell vital information regarding a certain event that they have seen.

Voice overs they can explain what is happening within the show and adds a sense of familiarity for people.



Drama genre question

Drama is a very powerful genre as we can gain an attachment to a certain character or group of characters, in which we the audience relate to in their various struggles and emotions. Most of the time it is the plot of the film that most people connect with as it is the events within the film that people can associate with as it may remind of a real life event that has happend to them in their lives.

Drama is a very different genre sometimes as it may show a different side of events or people and it has made them look differently at events or people we thought we knew the whole story behind

an example of this would the film anonymous as it showed events that has happend but it also presented us with a “What if?” question to make us think and question what is going on throughout the film.


anti-hero genre question

A anti-hero differs from a normal hero as they usually are doing the right thing for the wrong reasons or the wrong thing for the right reasons, in a film the anti-hero might take money for being a hero or it turns out that the villian was the hero throughout the film.

an example of a anti-hero would be V from V for vendetta  as the character was branded a dangerous terrorist by the government, he fights for what is right but he ultimately puts other people’s lives at risk and only protecting the people when it suits his needs.


western genre question

The main conventions of the western genre include the final where the main protagonist and main antagonists duel at the very end of the film examples of this can be seen in: “The Good, The Bad and The Ugly” and “A fist full of dollars”.

Another convention in western films are outlaws either the main protagonist is an outlaw who changes his ways or the main antagonist is an outlaw seeking revenge on the main protagonist an example of this can be found in “The Assassination of Jesse James”

Another convention of the western genre is that either gold or treasure is often the main focus of the film, an example of this can be found in “The Good, The Bad and The Ugly”

the differences and similarities between the horror and thriller genres

Horrors and thrillers share many of the same qualities, but they differ in several key points.


In Horrors main protagonists mainly seem to be high school students and young adults without a very detailed backstory and we don’t really get to know them through the story. Whereas the main antagonists seem to always be creepy old men or demonic spirits.

In thrillers the main protagonists seem to be older and wiser than their horror counter parts and they more developed backstory. The main antagonists of thriller sometimes the main protagonists “biggest” fan, close friends or long lost family members with their very own detailed backstory and where their connection with main protagonist comes from.


Visuals in horrors seem to contain a lot more blood, gore and some very violent scenes which make can a lot of people sometimes squeamish.

The visuals in thrillers contain less blood and gore but more psychological violence, violence that leaves the audience wondering what has happened that character.


Horrifying and thrilling are not in part the same thing. Horrifying is seeing something almost too scared to continue and give up. Whereas thrilling gives a sense of rush, making you run on adrenaline making you want to continue and keep going.


The setting and location for horrors usually consists of being set either somewhere deep in a wooded area or somewhere populated but the people living there don’t know what is going on.

The setting and location for thrillers usually involve locations that are isolated from any human contact and are not accessible from any main road and is usually a place that the main antagonist owns or knows where no one will find the main protagonist.

Romantic comedy genre question question


The man elements of a romantic comedy film the main character of the film is usually  a man who seems to a hopeless romantic, which he then meets the woman of his dreams, which he is never to see again, the plot thickens as it goes into more detail about the back story of both characters and ending in them either going off with some who they don’t really love and the person of their dreams.

Romantic comedies differ from other comedies as it goes into more character development, series of events that lead up to the end of the film and a story that grips the audience an example of this would be: Notting hill.

horror and thriller genre question

A thriller has more suspense than horror but sometimes less action

  • horror has less story than thriller but it has more jump scares when you’re least expecting it
  • thriller has some sort of mystery to the story but horror gives you most of the backstory either to the characters or the plot
  • the characters in thrillers tend to older than most of the characters in horror films


for the horror genre an example would be: Texas chainsaw massacre, as having more gore and blood in the whole

for the thriller genre an example would be: Shutter Island as it more suspense and mystery to the story than the story of the texas chainsaw massecare.