misuse of words

  1. I do not think that lazy speech makes lazy thinking it’s just the way language changes and evolves, one word now can have lots of different meanings to different people and yes they are sometimes misused but it doesn’t make people lazy thinkers for using the same word just to describe a different situation.


  1. I don’t know why people misuse the word “literally” instead of the word “awful” it may be that the word awful still fills people a sense of fear and the word literally has become part of the modern slang of today’s youth and that might be one of the many reasons why that “literally” is being misused.


  1. I do think that the meanings of certain words should be flexible and should be fixed such as the words: ultimate has now many different meanings in today’s slang and

Film structure

1. What is film structure ?

Film structure is how the film is organised and laidout for the audience

2. Give some different examples of film structure?

Other examples of film structure include the 3-act structure and the 12 act structure

3. do you think there are any problems with these or is it helpful?

It may hard to think about for some films but easy for other as they fit into the catergories

4. can it apply to other media

Yes it can apply to other media such as video games, books and tv series

Mixing genres and words

Two people from different parts of the universe, fall in love- two young people from distant parts of the universe foster a relationship after a chance meeting.


Two people on a train compete to find a secret object- A treasure hunter and a bounty hunter fight each other for a chance to claim a prized idol but before they can get to the jewel they must first navigate through dozens of carrages and armed guards


these events change by the characters and the setting the first scernario was about how two people from different parts of the universe create a relationship despite the distance between them and their speicies.

the second the scernario changes to two characters one a bounty hunter and the other a treasure hunter competing against each other to a find a prized idol which the treasure hunter hasa been searching for most of his life and the bounty hunter is tracking down the treasure hunter due to his crime he has commited in the name of Archaeology