Scott Pilgram Vs the World


The Story of Scott Pilgrim Vs The World, revolves around the life of Scott Pilgrim an unemployed 23 yr old who plays in a band and is dating a 17 yr old schoolgirl named “Knives chau”. While at a party he meets Ramona Flowers who he falls in love with, he has trouble breaking up with Knives while he tries to date Ramona, he finds out that Ramona comes with baggage 7 evil Ex’s in fact and to date Ramona he must defeat all of the 7 Ex’s.


even though Scott Pilgrim was originally a graphic novel the director Edgar Wright has done a great job adapting it for the big screen and the audience, he kept to the core storyline in time with comic and the cast did an amazing job portraying the characters I found the whole experience of the film a joy to watch.


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