different types of writing

Genre theory assignment task 3:


The differences between writing a script, a review and a blog entry:


The differences between writing a script, a review and blog entry is that they three completely different things, writing a script is writing from the point of view of a character or telling the story of that character, the presentation of a script is formatted differently from both a review and a blog, a script is written for the screen not the internet or magazines. Example: one of the last scripts I wrote was for my genre scene, creating the characters and a story for me was quite easy, but my main weaknesses for this was that writing down the characters, introducing them and introducing the story, is what I found difficult with writing scripts.


 Writing a review is being critical or giving the critics opinion and the title of the review usually tells the reader how and what he thought the film, the reviewer usually includes some of the most important information for the readers, these are usually written before the film’s or products release, example: the last review I wrote was for the Sherlock, I found thinking of what to write to be easy, but actually putting them into words to actually quite difficult.


Web blogs- these usually written with one specific topic in mind but can also focus on lots of different subjects, these are usually written for the public and focuses on not just one group of people, usually web blog to either stir up debate within groups of people or to provide a way to interact with each other. But the layout of a web-blog is different from a review and a script, it is written for the internet and is laid out completely different, example: the last blog post I wrote was for broadcast and non-broadcast my strengths and weaknesses with this, was that trying to get down enough information, not too much but alos not too little at the same time was my biggest weakness.



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