Fable 2 game reivew

fable 2 is the sequel to the highly successful Fantasy/Adventure game fable for the original Xbox, in which it is set almost 100 years after the fist game.


The main story of Fable 2 sees you take control of the character the Hero of Bowerstone and from there you meet your sister Rose and the mysterious Lord Lucian who invites you and your sister up into his castle. Where you discover that you are a hero threatened by this, Lucian kills your sister but nearly kill the Hero where s/he is found by Theresa a “seer” from there she heals your wounds and watches you grow up, when you come of age she let’s your character go out in to the world to either get revenge on Lucian or save the world.

my opinion of Fable 2 is that it is a fun game that has given me a lot of hours of gameplay and a definition of what is good and evil in video games but the morality in the game is very black and white it tells whether you’re doing a good deed or bad deed, the game should let the player find out what has happened within the game at a later date overall this game did not live up to its predcessor in some ways, but exceeds it in some other ways including the combat system, the voice acting and the overall story.





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