Fable 2 game reivew

fable 2 is the sequel to the highly successful Fantasy/Adventure game fable for the original Xbox, in which it is set almost 100 years after the fist game.


The main story of Fable 2 sees you take control of the character the Hero of Bowerstone and from there you meet your sister Rose and the mysterious Lord Lucian who invites you and your sister up into his castle. Where you discover that you are a hero threatened by this, Lucian kills your sister but nearly kill the Hero where s/he is found by Theresa a “seer” from there she heals your wounds and watches you grow up, when you come of age she let’s your character go out in to the world to either get revenge on Lucian or save the world.

my opinion of Fable 2 is that it is a fun game that has given me a lot of hours of gameplay and a definition of what is good and evil in video games but the morality in the game is very black and white it tells whether you’re doing a good deed or bad deed, the game should let the player find out what has happened within the game at a later date overall this game did not live up to its predcessor in some ways, but exceeds it in some other ways including the combat system, the voice acting and the overall story.





Documentary question


I don’t think it is possible to document reality as most people or animals if put in front of a camera will always act differently from  how they normally act as they know that they are being watched by a crew of people.

3 conventions of factual media:

  • archived footage-exisiting footage that has been borrowed
  • interviews (with witnesses)
  • voice over

archived can be used to recreate reality, the archived footage can give as sense of the past showing us what it was like.

Interviews with witnesses can tell us a side of the story that may be no one else knew at the time and they can tell vital information regarding a certain event that they have seen.

Voice overs they can explain what is happening within the show and adds a sense of familiarity for people.



Much ado about nothing


Much Ado about Nothing- review

In my opinion it was a modern and realistic interpretation of a classic Shakespeare play, which really made laugh and sort of jump in to this amazing story about people and how they deal with that problem within the plot of the film, the characters were great and well detailed and the actors just seem to work well with each other.

I fought the directing the amazing, Joss Whedon always directs great movies, it’s not one of his finest but it’s probably one of my top five of Whedon films, if I was to judge them all based on Whedon’s performance as a director, but for the actors they gave the film that edgy modern feel, and even though it was in black and white, it still showed the light and darkness that is associated with Shakespearian plays. But in the long run of the film, the humour and the more dark of the film made it unique in a way that nothing bad can really be said about it, only good. I only hope is that Joss Whedon’s next Shakespeare movie is A Mid Summers Night Dream, as that would be both amazing and mystical all at the same time, and would be possibly one of his best.

Peer Assessed by Nathan Thompson



starsuckers review

Star suckers review

It starts telling us that they’re in the business of making people believing that everyone can succeed in fame which misleads people/ children in to believing that they will always be their best customers, what we find through the lesson though is that parent will encourage that type behaviour in their children and will support them even if it mean they go without and if the children have agents they will give them a good ego stroking when they need which pollutes their image of the world and even if the parents realise that they have done wrong it’s too late for them. “So from the day they are born we convince kids that happiness lies in the entertainment industry”

This shows the very shocking truth of what people and agents will go through for just as little as maybe 15 or less on a TV advert, but this fuels them to carry on and gives them the experience that they will need to get their start and it may cause them to change their minds but we find out “back in the early ‘50s only 12% of teenagers said yes I’m an important person by 1989 that number had rising to 80% this show us over the course of almost 4 decades children and teenagers have had diluted view of the world and Television has been feeding they’re need to feel important more so than ever.

We also find out that fame may change some people but it may make them known and loved in their communities but it doesn’t change who they, it just changes how other people see them in the world, fame itself can be addictive to many people and makes them want to do it again “the do it again part of our brain is firing off telling us to do it” but this can also change the way you see yourself some people find that they do not like what they’ve become but they can’t escape it as their agent or that certain corporation owns their image for life.

The press likes to see in to the lives of celebrities even making up news that involve their name even if they were not there, the newspapers like to use the “Chum said or a source told us” to make it seem like there was someone there to tell them all the details of what had happened it kind of makes you want stop ask yourself “do I truly know where these stories and are the sources reliable?” makes sometimes angry that the press only focus on the celebrity stories whilst the other more important stories are pushed on to a small part of the front page.

We find out event PR managers will fake events to make the front page and even make fake protests or disturbances and they will tip off the newspapers about it even at the risk to their clients and then try to broker a deal with the papers this has also been called “modern day prostitution” makes me feel kind of sick inside.

This is what I think of star suckers I found it informative to see how many of today celebrities started up, but also seeing how the press treats them and I felt that they were being targeted for something they do for a living without them the newspapers would really not have anything to report.



Drama genre question

Drama is a very powerful genre as we can gain an attachment to a certain character or group of characters, in which we the audience relate to in their various struggles and emotions. Most of the time it is the plot of the film that most people connect with as it is the events within the film that people can associate with as it may remind of a real life event that has happend to them in their lives.

Drama is a very different genre sometimes as it may show a different side of events or people and it has made them look differently at events or people we thought we knew the whole story behind

an example of this would the film anonymous as it showed events that has happend but it also presented us with a “What if?” question to make us think and question what is going on throughout the film.


Blade Runner review



Blade Runner is a sci-fi thriller, set in the not to distant future where humanity has created robots called Replicants, to do the hard work that humans cannot do and not long after that the Replicants rebel killing their oppressive human masters and escaping, on earth the corporations and the police form the Blade Runners who track down destroy these replicants before they kill anyone else. This is where the main character Deckard comes in, he is a retired Blade Runner who is reinstated as a blade runner and he is tasked to track down a group of Replicants before they cause damage.

My Opinion:

My opion of the is film is that it was an amazing film for it’s time with nice visuals, the cyberpunk look and costumes used, but now it’s more of a nostalgic film for the sci-fi lover and a film you have to see if you are studying media or thinking about going for a job within the media industry. But with the long and heavy plot to it, most people now would be put off sitting down for nearly 2 hours with a plot that can easily confuse the watcher.

But i love the film, one day i would love to see it remade as many sci-fi franchieses have been in recent years.


anti-hero genre question

A anti-hero differs from a normal hero as they usually are doing the right thing for the wrong reasons or the wrong thing for the right reasons, in a film the anti-hero might take money for being a hero or it turns out that the villian was the hero throughout the film.

an example of a anti-hero would be V from V for vendetta  as the character was branded a dangerous terrorist by the government, he fights for what is right but he ultimately puts other people’s lives at risk and only protecting the people when it suits his needs.


misuse of words

  1. I do not think that lazy speech makes lazy thinking it’s just the way language changes and evolves, one word now can have lots of different meanings to different people and yes they are sometimes misused but it doesn’t make people lazy thinkers for using the same word just to describe a different situation.


  1. I don’t know why people misuse the word “literally” instead of the word “awful” it may be that the word awful still fills people a sense of fear and the word literally has become part of the modern slang of today’s youth and that might be one of the many reasons why that “literally” is being misused.


  1. I do think that the meanings of certain words should be flexible and should be fixed such as the words: ultimate has now many different meanings in today’s slang and

submarine review


Submarine review

Plot- Submarine is the story of a 15-year old boy named Oliver who believes he is widely loved by classmates, but the reality is that he is annoying and socially rejected, he falls in love with Jordana, a straight talking but prank loving misfit and Oliver goes as far as bullying an overweight classmate to impress Jordana. While this is all happening Oliver becomes ever more worried about his parent’s relationship, and with the arrival his mother’s old boyfriend arrives and complicates things, but Oliver then complicates things with Jordana and breaks up with her which he regrets doing and he tries to save his parents’ marriage.


My opinion- this film itself may have not appealed to me but it but it had a certain attraction that would appeal to others of my age that are into these types of films. I found that the use of colours to represent the different characters in the film, I found quite useful in some way as I used them to identify the characters in the film, I found the most the of the characters well developed, but I wish we could get to know Oliver’s father a bit better as it would’ve shone some more light on the story</p

game crontrollers

Video game controller’s blog

Xbox 360:

–           D-padmicrosoft-xbox-360-controller-for-windows_32720938

–          Joysticks

–          Start and black buttons

–          Left and right triggers

–           Left and right shoulder buttons

–          Directory button

–          Infrared sensor

An updated version of the original Xbox controller, the 360 controller was a complete remodel and redesign which went through many different designs before the final design was chosen

Strengths: very comfortable to use, will continue to work after long periods of time, it can alert the user if the controllers charge is running low.

Weaknesses: uses up a large amount of batteries if you do not have a rechargeable battery pack, may mis-connect if another console is nearby and some buttons may stop working after a period of time

experiences with the Xbox controller has always been good, but after gaming seesion i sometimes find myself needing new batteries or my hands are stuck in the way i was holding it.

Nintendo DS:


-start, select buttons

-power button

-touch screen

-A, B, X, Y buttons

Strengths: very easy to use, all buttons are not too far away,

Weaknesses: the controller itself is not very portable as it is attached to console itself, may fail to work after a period of time, the touchscreen may get scratched or damaged and might not work in certain places

my experience in using the Nintendo DS controlsis that it works very very well it was never uncomfortable to use the only problem was that it required extensive cleaning on both the touchscreen and the buttons but overall a very nice controller


–          num-pad

–          Directional keys

–          F1-F12 keys

–          Start menu key

–          Lettered and numbered keys

Strengths: easy to use, all the buttons are reachable, very comfortable to use,

Weaknesses: may only last a short amount of time if it is used constantly, certain keyboards may be expensive to buy, and keys may become jammed after long periods of time, not portable

my experience in using keyboards as controllers is that sometimes more useful than controllers for the Xbox or the DS, it may not be as portable or cheap, but most modern keyboards allow the user to create a Macro (instructions) within games to help with ease of use