Sherlock: A study in pink review

Sherlock a study in pink review:

Plot: the plot of a study in pink is we are introduced to John Watson, who has just returned from war after being wounded, whilst this is happening a serial killer is striking at people making it look like suicide with this we are introduced to DI Lestrade who is giving a press conference to deal with the situation and is interrupted by texts being sent to all of the reporters, john meets his old friend in a park bench who introduces him to Sherlock Holmes a “Consulting Detective” with that john has agreed to move in with him to a flat at 221B Baker street, after a short while at baker street after the case is finished the adventures of Sherlock Holmes and John Watson begin.

My opinion:
My opinion of the pilot episode of Sherlock is that it is a great re-imagining of the Sherlock series and the actors seemed to fit their character roles and made it a watchable TV show and I enjoyed the way the way that the characters were portrayed and the pacing of episode was different from any TV show currently on.


Broadcast and non-broadcast Audio

Broadcast and non-broadcast audio

Broadcast audio, uses traditional transmission methods

Examples of listening to non-broadcast audio listening to radio 1 on the car stereo, DAB radio- traditional

the use of broadcast Audio does not involve use of the internet.

Non-broadcast audio-

Non-broadcast audio uses more modern methods than non-broadcast audio

It normally involves the use of the internet
Examples of non-broadcast audio includes listening to a podacast on Itunes or a radio show on iplayer A show on the intenet can come from a range of websites on Soundcloud,Spotify, Deezer

In store audio is the audio that is coming from the in store radio. Stream – continuous stream of data that is coming from the internet. Downloading a file is a file you must download before you can fully play it.

Download files include the following formats: MP3, WAV, MP4, M4A.

examples of podcasting and internet radio streaming sites: – provides a large libary of different genres of podcasts to stream also they provide the ability to publish your own podcast on their site – this is related to radio station that bears the same name but as it is being stream over the internet it is not broadcast audio it is non-broadcast audio there is also a slight delay as it takes longer for it to reach the internet than it does to reach the arial. – host of the podcast The Internet Box and host the links to itunes and download links which come in m4A format – hosts links to itunes page and downloads for its’ podcast – hosts real and custom internet radio stations  only avalible in the US

western genre question

The main conventions of the western genre include the final where the main protagonist and main antagonists duel at the very end of the film examples of this can be seen in: “The Good, The Bad and The Ugly” and “A fist full of dollars”.

Another convention in western films are outlaws either the main protagonist is an outlaw who changes his ways or the main antagonist is an outlaw seeking revenge on the main protagonist an example of this can be found in “The Assassination of Jesse James”

Another convention of the western genre is that either gold or treasure is often the main focus of the film, an example of this can be found in “The Good, The Bad and The Ugly”




The originality of the story and characters may entice people to   watch the film Their maybe Changes to the in-movie story and universe
The creators may work with the director and co-write the film as well Fans dedicated to that certain series or series of books may feel let   down by the director
May bring new fans to series The changing of certain characters or actors at certain points of the   film


Knick Knack 1989 review

Knick Knack 1989 review:
Knick Knack is a short film made by Pixar studios and is the story of snow man in a snow globe who wants to break free of his “prison” and join the other characters and a “beach babe” through many unsuccessful attempts he thinks he has found a way out of his snow globe by sending it over the edge of his desk which falls and he finds exit on the bottom of his snow globe and leaves through it and he lands in a fish bowl and he’s very disappointed with himself after he looks around he finds a mermaid with him in the fish bowl.

My opinion of Knick Knack is that it was way ahead of its time in terms of animation, I thought it was clever to have no voice actors in the short film and it gave the characters more of a personality as the characters had to describe what they were doing without talking, and the music went well with story and what was going on with the characters, but at the same time it mocked the snowman as the same time but overall I found the short film very enjoyable and fun to watch and I would watch again.
