anti-hero questions

Anti-hero questions

  1. Who is the hero in this clip? Superman
  2. How do we know? He was trying to save people from dying
  3. What heroic action does he take? Stop a plane from crashing
  4. Does anything negative happen, as a result of his actions? What?  Give examples? As Superman landed the plane the people inside jerked forward and they were injured as a result
  5. Anything else? People were happy with superman in the end

Anti-hero questions-2

  1. Who is the hero in this clip? Dirty Harry
  2. How do we know?  He stopped criminals
  3. What heroic action does he take? Shooting the criminals
  4. Does anything negative happen, as a result of his actions? What?  Give examples? He killed two of the criminals and wounding one of them
  5. Anything else? No

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