anti-hero questions

Anti-hero questions

  1. Who is the hero in this clip? Superman
  2. How do we know? He was trying to save people from dying
  3. What heroic action does he take? Stop a plane from crashing
  4. Does anything negative happen, as a result of his actions? What?  Give examples? As Superman landed the plane the people inside jerked forward and they were injured as a result
  5. Anything else? People were happy with superman in the end

Anti-hero questions-2

  1. Who is the hero in this clip? Dirty Harry
  2. How do we know?  He stopped criminals
  3. What heroic action does he take? Shooting the criminals
  4. Does anything negative happen, as a result of his actions? What?  Give examples? He killed two of the criminals and wounding one of them
  5. Anything else? No

Character profile:

Name: agent Dulmer/ Dulmur

Gender: male

Age: mid-thirties/ early forties

Marital status: married- separated

Character role: hero

Appearance: wears black suit, black ti and black shirt, has short brown hair and green eyes and a young man’s face compared to his eyes

Education: attended the University of Alpha Centari, graduated with honours in temporal mechanics and trained in investigations and police work.

Beliefs: he believes that time is unpredictable and things are never as they seem and doesn’t believe in anything higher than time

Background: he was a private investigator on a human colony on the fringes of colonised space, his whole colony was trapped in a short time loop that caused him to get fired from his job and hunt down the man that caused the time loop. From there on he joined the DTI to make sure that it never happened again.

Interests: he likes to work on old timepieces, play chess and he can play the piano.

Temperament: he likes to keep a cool head and stay in control of the situation and he is more of the voice of compassion than his partner who is sterner than him and is cold and logical.

5 turning points scene summary:

beginning point: Luccsy and Dulmere standing on the bridge of the U.S.S. Everrett as a temporal ripple forms in front of them

Turning point: The ships helmsman moves the ship back at full impulse a creaking sound from the bulkheads can be heard throughout the ship.

Low point: on the speakers, sounds from a battle fought almost half a year ago can be heard the voices of the people on those ships can be heard as the killed by an unstopable enemy, Dulmer and Luccsly can be seen talking to each other but we cant hear what they’re saying

Mid point: On the view screen a ships can been coming through the ripple badly damaged, but it’s not in any real danger for the moment the captian moves the ship in closer to conduct scan and to see if anyone is alive on the ship

End point: A distress call is coming from the disabled ship, Dulmer and Luccsly look at each other and they ask the captain to contact the ship

cabin in the woods review

Cabin in the woods review

Five teenage friends head off to a secluded cabin in the woods for the weekend, where they arrive to find that they completely isolated with no way of communicating with the outside world. During their time at the cabin the cellar door swings itself open, they decide to go down into the cellar, where they find many different relics and curiosities, but when one main protagonist reads from a diary she, wakes up a family of pain loving zombies killers, there is more going on that the five teenagers don’t know about as they are being watched by a mysterious organisation.

My opinion:
My opinion of this film is that, it is a fun film filled references to other horror films that it has taken inspiration from, it has some really great actors involved and a great producer who has, had experience with the genre and made it into a fun horror film for all audiences.


job roles in script writing



Their main responsibilities are to provide the director and producers with a blueprint to work from.


Script reader:

Work for independent companies such as the UK film council and provide opinions on the scripts and decide on the script.


Script editors:

They provide insight and opinions on the script for the scripts transmission from paper to the screen, their opinions must be valid and must contain creative comments and can re-write certain scenes.


Commission edit: grants funding to a projects and can bring more episodes, find gaps in the market and


Head of drama: purchasing dramas controls the number of episodes that

Will air and the type of episodes that will air


Channel controller: they control what shows are shown and can give authorisation to make new shows and cancel programmes if they are under preforming


the differences and similarities between the horror and thriller genres

Horrors and thrillers share many of the same qualities, but they differ in several key points.


In Horrors main protagonists mainly seem to be high school students and young adults without a very detailed backstory and we don’t really get to know them through the story. Whereas the main antagonists seem to always be creepy old men or demonic spirits.

In thrillers the main protagonists seem to be older and wiser than their horror counter parts and they more developed backstory. The main antagonists of thriller sometimes the main protagonists “biggest” fan, close friends or long lost family members with their very own detailed backstory and where their connection with main protagonist comes from.


Visuals in horrors seem to contain a lot more blood, gore and some very violent scenes which make can a lot of people sometimes squeamish.

The visuals in thrillers contain less blood and gore but more psychological violence, violence that leaves the audience wondering what has happened that character.


Horrifying and thrilling are not in part the same thing. Horrifying is seeing something almost too scared to continue and give up. Whereas thrilling gives a sense of rush, making you run on adrenaline making you want to continue and keep going.


The setting and location for horrors usually consists of being set either somewhere deep in a wooded area or somewhere populated but the people living there don’t know what is going on.

The setting and location for thrillers usually involve locations that are isolated from any human contact and are not accessible from any main road and is usually a place that the main antagonist owns or knows where no one will find the main protagonist.