sherlock script “A study in pink” pages 36-49

page 36- Sherlock is getting excited about all the details of the crime scene, he asks Lastrade if he could wait a little long to telll the press the details of the crime.

page 37- He goes into more detail about the women in pink and he notices a mistake he’s made, Lastrade is confused about what sherlock is going on about. John is confused about what is going on, as Sherlock leaves the crimescene, Anderson and Lastrade are arguing about Sherlock’s participation in the case.

page38- As Sherlock has left the crime scene John is lost within all hastle he heads over to Lastrade and he doesn’t even know who he is and what he’s doing at the crime scene he’s immeditly asked to leave and is escorted out by seargent Donovan who is sort of worried about him and john is more lost than he’s ever been.

page 39- John asks Seargent Donovan where he can get a taxi out in this area and she tells John, what she thinks of Sherlock and how he will meet his end as a private detective.

Page 40- Seargent Donovan is called away by Lastrade and john leaves to go to the main road, the scene changes to Sherlock standing on rooftops perfectly calm with a PDA in one hand and is looks one way and another as he scans the area, john stares at him from below thinking “what the hell is he doing??”

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