tweleve angry men

Twelve angry men

A twelve man jury is set to begin their decision on an 18-year old boy being accused of first-degree, where a guilty verdict means an automatic death sentence, the case appears to be pretty straight forward. The defend has not got a good alibi, he claims to have lost a knife which turns up at the scene of the crime and several witnesses either saw the murder happen or the boy running away, some others heard screaming, all but one of the jurors vote the boy guilty, juror number 8 votes not guilty, first of all his reason for voting not guilty is more for the sake of conversation as all the jurors must have reasonable doubt that the defendant is guilty, as the story unfolds, it quickly becomes a study of the jurors different personalities, their preconceptions, backgrounds and interactions, which provides the backdrop to Mr. Davis’ convincing the other jurors



For a film made in the fifties its was quite enjoyable figuring out if the person was guilty or not suspecting one of the other characters of being guilty and one of the characters that kept saying he was guilty kept holding a picture of his son which makes me think that something happened to his son, this all gets my brain thinking and start discussing plot twists and theories about the other character which made hugely enjoyable, I like dramas that have alot of action but more about thinking if a certain person did it.


the differences and similarities between Sherlock and John Watson


The similarities between Sherlock and John are that they are both in their early thirties, they both would kill for each other,  the differences between them is that Sherlock believes himself to be smarter than anyone else at a crimescene and john follows what Sherlock is saying

Sherlock script pages 59-71:

59. Whilst Sherlock is drugged, the cabbie has taken Sherlock home.

60. The house is empty apart from Sherlock and the cabbie. The cabbie produces two pills.

61. Taxi driver believes himself to be a geniues. He explains his ‘game’ to Sherlock.

62. Taxi driver thinks his game is ingenius. Sherlock sees it as a fluke, based on chance.

63. Taxi driver tells how he chooses his victims. Sherlock identifies other motives behind his killings.

64. Sherlock challenges the taxi driver. He’s nervous, but Sherlock knows he won’t actually kill him.

65. Sherlock  makes a choice. The Taxi driver knows he’s not bored.

66. Taxi driver is shot, presumably from a house opposite the street.

67. Sherlock realizes who made the shot, but keeps quiet about it.

68. John reveals what he did. He appears to be fine with what he just did.

69. Sherlock and John are leaving here. John puts Lestrade in his place.

70. Mrs Hudson is home at last-she has nothing to worry about except her carpet.

71. Lestrade ignores his notes admitting he will need help from the other two. They’re an established duo.

Romantic comedy genre question question


The man elements of a romantic comedy film the main character of the film is usually  a man who seems to a hopeless romantic, which he then meets the woman of his dreams, which he is never to see again, the plot thickens as it goes into more detail about the back story of both characters and ending in them either going off with some who they don’t really love and the person of their dreams.

Romantic comedies differ from other comedies as it goes into more character development, series of events that lead up to the end of the film and a story that grips the audience an example of this would be: Notting hill.

Sherlock script pages 49-58

page 49- Sherlock and John walk to northumberland terrace Sherlock and John discuss why the person is murdering these people.

page 50- They arrive at Agelo’s to keep on a certain house, Sherlock and John are sitting at a window seat whilst john looks outside, Sherlock is looking at a mirror at the back of the restaraunt.

page 51- we are introduced to Angelo a small but signifigant side character in the plot, he seems to know Sherlock from a prievous case.

page 52-

Mixing genres and words

Two people from different parts of the universe, fall in love- two young people from distant parts of the universe foster a relationship after a chance meeting.


Two people on a train compete to find a secret object- A treasure hunter and a bounty hunter fight each other for a chance to claim a prized idol but before they can get to the jewel they must first navigate through dozens of carrages and armed guards


these events change by the characters and the setting the first scernario was about how two people from different parts of the universe create a relationship despite the distance between them and their speicies.

the second the scernario changes to two characters one a bounty hunter and the other a treasure hunter competing against each other to a find a prized idol which the treasure hunter hasa been searching for most of his life and the bounty hunter is tracking down the treasure hunter due to his crime he has commited in the name of Archaeology

horror and thriller genre question

A thriller has more suspense than horror but sometimes less action

  • horror has less story than thriller but it has more jump scares when you’re least expecting it
  • thriller has some sort of mystery to the story but horror gives you most of the backstory either to the characters or the plot
  • the characters in thrillers tend to older than most of the characters in horror films


for the horror genre an example would be: Texas chainsaw massacre, as having more gore and blood in the whole

for the thriller genre an example would be: Shutter Island as it more suspense and mystery to the story than the story of the texas chainsaw massecare.

sherlock script “A study in pink” pages 36-49

page 36- Sherlock is getting excited about all the details of the crime scene, he asks Lastrade if he could wait a little long to telll the press the details of the crime.

page 37- He goes into more detail about the women in pink and he notices a mistake he’s made, Lastrade is confused about what sherlock is going on about. John is confused about what is going on, as Sherlock leaves the crimescene, Anderson and Lastrade are arguing about Sherlock’s participation in the case.

page38- As Sherlock has left the crime scene John is lost within all hastle he heads over to Lastrade and he doesn’t even know who he is and what he’s doing at the crime scene he’s immeditly asked to leave and is escorted out by seargent Donovan who is sort of worried about him and john is more lost than he’s ever been.

page 39- John asks Seargent Donovan where he can get a taxi out in this area and she tells John, what she thinks of Sherlock and how he will meet his end as a private detective.

Page 40- Seargent Donovan is called away by Lastrade and john leaves to go to the main road, the scene changes to Sherlock standing on rooftops perfectly calm with a PDA in one hand and is looks one way and another as he scans the area, john stares at him from below thinking “what the hell is he doing??”