drama sub-genres

  • Historical drama- a dramatic film set in the past- example: Saving private Ryan
  • Romantic drama- a dramatic take on romantic sernarios- example: About a boy
  • Comedy drama- a dramatic film that comedic elements in the mix-
  • Biographical drama- a dramatic film that tells the story of someones life- example: Lincon
  • Teen drama- a drama that is set around teens and the lifes


what do these sub genres have in common?

Reliant on deep, emotional and realistic characters- the main characters all have back stories and that have their own problems

therefore character will develop emotionally- the charactrs seem to disagree with each other and argue their points

dramatic themes play intense part an intense part of the plot- their arguments often get heated and get over the top most way through the plot of the film

often depict real, honest human struggles- the characters all seem to come from different walks of life and have different opinons

thems often takem from real issues

an overall message throughout


sub plot ideas


sub plot is a side story that happens along side the main story and that is linked to the main story

Tom is a Stormtrooper who rides into battle on the back of fluffle puff and he fights Puff the magic dragon and his army of fluffy pegasus and ponys and as a gift he sent back the magic of friendship

sherlock script pages 30-36


  • page 30- We find sherlock with John and Lastrade at the crime scene proving his point.
  • page 31- Sherlock and john talk to each other quiet enough so Lastrade can’t hear them and they start to discuss the crime scene
  • page 32- Sherlock, john and Lastrade start discussing the crime scene and sherlock investigates the dead bod.
  • page 33- Sherlock tells Lastrade his findings on the dead body and goes into detail about the stuff the police missed out
  • page 34- Sherlock goes into more detail about the body and how it ends up in the house.
  • page 35- John is impressed by Sherlock’s power of deduction, sherlock continues to “show” off
  • page 36- Sherlock stop’s talking and leaves the crime scene and John follows behind