Sci-fi movie idea



Captain Carric Loreweaver 

First officer Samantha Anders

the year is 2709: it is a year of peace within joined species alliance

a routine

a lone starship must protect a small colony world from the dominating Earth Empire that destroy all in their path, help is over 1500 light years away they are the only hope for this small world and they must and will defend it until their dying breaths  or their way of life as they know will end.

fez atributes

1. must be short and round 
2.always red faced
3. always angry with people
4. hasn’t got alot of hair wears it as comb over
5. doesn’t like everyone but everyone likes him
6. lives with a roomate
7. hates his roomate
8. old people love him
9. has a sense of humor
10. likes old music
11. watches old stand-up comedians


12. John does websearch on Sherlock.

13. We meet Mrs. Hudson; Sherlock’s housekeeper. He helped her husband become executed.

14. Mrs Hudson assumes John and Sherlock are a couple.

15. John admits to Sherlock he’s looked him up. Sherlock analyses John some more.

16. Sherlock is approached by Lestrade as there has been a fifth murder.

17. John is left with Mrs Hudson as Sherlock bounds out the door to investigate.

18. Sherlock knows he can use John to his advantage as he has a medical military background.

19. John accompanies Sherlock at the investigation.

25. Sherlock and watson get out of the cab they arrive at the crime scene

26. we get introduced to Sally and Sherlock repour with the police


comedy and tragedy masks:

they are the masks that represents the emotions that people feel

the mask on the left : tragedy represents the saddness in the play

the mask on the right: comedy represents the joy in the play

amphitheatre is theatre that is in shape a semi-circle and the audience seating in a sloping angle for better acoustics.

slapstick comedy is enegetic involving non destructive violence towards each other

what do you think?

Hero: a hero is necessary for the development of action film or there is no reason for the villain to exsist and stop him, and save the day and the girl e.g Batman

sidekick: a sidekick is usally not needed but is appreciated when the hero is incapcitated and cannot fight on his own to take down the villian e.g Robin

Villian: the villian usally has some sort of personal vendetta against the hero for what the hero did to them in the past or they exist to either hurt the heros family or they are reason for why the hero exists. e.g the Joker

Henchmen: the henchmen usally serve as the body guards to the villian, but there are intellegent hench that usually have their own agenda and sometimes act as a hero

my 3 favourite films i have seen

  1. Pacific Rim- genre- Action, adventure, sci-fi and fantasy- this film combined some of the best cgi and 3d technology i have seen  on screen and the story brought to together some of the best actors as well.
  2. pokemon 3- the spell of the unknown-genre- action, adventure, sci-fi and fantasy- this film was first DVD i bought so this one will rate highly on my list and i loved the story and the characters.
  3. Final fantasy VII Advent children- genre-sci-fi, fantasy and animation- this film made me fall in love with the anime genre it was a better final fantasy film than the spirits within and it introduced me to the final fantasy series.

a study in pink script

  1. Introduced to different news readers reporting on the war in Afghanistan, we meet John Watson.
  2. We are shown john’s accommodation and his links with the war e.t his gun.
  3. We are introduced to john’s therapist, he’s not an open person we visit a crime scene.
  4. We are introduced to Anderson and Lestrade who needs some help with a case, John meets an old friend introduced to Mike.
  5. John and Mike have lunch and have a cath up.
  6. John needs a roommate, Mike know somebody who also needs a roommate. we meet Sherlock.
  7. we get introduced to molly Hooper and the character of Sherlock Holmes.
  8. John meets Sherlock for the first time at St. Bartholomew’s.
  9. Sherlock analyses Johns attributes as a flat mate for him.
  10. Sherlock makes John an offer for him to live with him in 221b. Baker street
  11. John is unsure about either to move in Sherlock or not to.
  12. John discusses Sherlock with his friend Mike.